Blue Dress
Blue Dress
"Longitude, Latitude - La Jolla"
"Longitude, Latitude - La Jolla"
Jacob's Well
Jacob's Well
"Here Comes the Sun"
"Here Comes the Sun"
"Barren and Bronze"
"Barren and Bronze"
Not Available
Not Available
Visitor on Canyon Road
Visitor on Canyon Road
"Golden Urchin"
"Golden Urchin"
"Sage, Bloom, Perfume"
"Sage, Bloom, Perfume"
"Morning Mist"
"Morning Mist"
"Red, White and Coke"
"Red, White and Coke"
"First One In"
"First One In"
"Looking Inward - Carmel"
"Looking Inward - Carmel"
"On Water's Edge"
"On Water's Edge"
San Fran
San Fran
"Smoke and Fire"
"Smoke and Fire"
"Sisters - Santa Cruz"
"Sisters - Santa Cruz"
"Marfa Lights"
"Marfa Lights"
"End of the Road" - Blanco, TX
"End of the Road" - Blanco, TX
"Last Day of Summer"
"Last Day of Summer"
"Momma's Sifter"
"Momma's Sifter"
Texas Tale.JPG
"He Restores My Soul"
"He Restores My Soul"
"Trail of Tears"
"Trail of Tears"
Seal Rock - San Francisco
Seal Rock - San Francisco
Marfa Motors
Marfa Motors
Blue Dress
Blue Dress
"Longitude, Latitude - La Jolla"
"Longitude, Latitude - La Jolla"24"x36" x 1 1/2"  Oil on Canvas
Jacob's Well
Jacob's Well30" x 24"
"Here Comes the Sun"
"Here Comes the Sun"
"Barren and Bronze"
"Barren and Bronze"
Not Available
Not Available
Visitor on Canyon Road
Visitor on Canyon Road
"Golden Urchin"
"Golden Urchin"
"Sage, Bloom, Perfume"
"Sage, Bloom, Perfume"
"Morning Mist"
"Morning Mist"
"Red, White and Coke"
"Red, White and Coke"
"First One In"
"First One In"
"Looking Inward - Carmel"
"Looking Inward - Carmel"
"On Water's Edge"
"On Water's Edge"
San Fran
San Fran
"Smoke and Fire"
"Smoke and Fire"
"Sisters - Santa Cruz"
"Sisters - Santa Cruz"
"Marfa Lights"
"Marfa Lights"
"End of the Road" - Blanco, TX
"End of the Road" - Blanco, TX
"Last Day of Summer"
"Last Day of Summer"
"Momma's Sifter"
"Momma's Sifter"
Texas Tale.JPG
"He Restores My Soul"
"He Restores My Soul"30" x 30" x 1 1/2"  oil on canvas
"Trail of Tears"
"Trail of Tears"
Seal Rock - San Francisco
Seal Rock - San Francisco 24x24x1.5 oil on canvas original
Marfa Motors
Marfa Motors
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